
Murray's Mud Bugs in Angleton

1135 Christy Dr, , 77515 - Get directions
3 Reviews10.0

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How to get to Murray's Mud Bugs


+1 281-914-0067

1135 Christy Dr, , 77515
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Opening Time

Sunday - 12PM-6PM
Monday - 10AM-9PM
Tuesday - 7AM-9PM
Wednesday - 7AM-9PM
Thursday - 7AM-9PM
Friday - 7AM-9PM
Saturday - 8AM-3PM


Related to Murray's Mud Bugs

10.0 Based on 3 reviews
10.0/10 Rating average Published 2 years ago | Facebook

Well long story short, all of his food is tha shit, the end!

10.0/10 Rating average Published 2 years ago | Facebook

Good guy, great stories, awesome cook!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10.0/10 Rating average Published 2 years ago | Facebook

Bubba u know I'm not a bug eater but as long as u kids enjoy them that's ok love U