chocolate cake, chocolate cookie stuffing, vanilla icing, chocolate cookie topping
yellow cake, cookie dough stuffing, chocolate icing, cookie dough topping
chocolate cake, peanut butter stuffing, chocolate icing, peanut butter topping
yellow cake, grape jelly stuffing, peanut butter icing
red velvet cake, cream cheese icing, red sugar crystals topping
chocolate cake, fudge stuffing, chocolate icing, chocolate cookie topping
tie-dye vanilla cake, vanilla icing, rainbow sugar crystals
yellow cake, cinnamon stuffing, vanilla icing, cinnamon sugar topping
chocolate cake, chocolate cookie stuffing, mint icing, mini chocolate chips topping
yellow pancake, maple syrup icing, mini chocolate chips topping
(Mini of the Month! avail. September 1st - 30th) white vanilla cake, strawberry jelly stuffing, & cream cheese icing
birthday cupcake, chocolate graham, sooo baked, coffee caramel, coconut cream, strawberry, peanut butter fluff, new york cream
chocolate graham, strawberry, new york cream
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