
Feel Well, Live Well in American Fork

321 E 300 N B, 84003, 84042 - Get directions
3 Reviews6.6

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How to get to Feel Well, Live Well


+1 801-636-2470

321 E 300 N B, 84003, 84042
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Price range per person $10 - $25


Related to Feel Well, Live Well

6.6 Based on 3 reviews
2.0/10 Rating average Published 2 years ago | Facebook

Eric was giving away free prizes for answering a question on his Facebook. I commented and he messaged me saying I was the chosen one. Winning $100. That turned out to be a free chiropractic appointment for me and a friend. He then proceeded badgering me to make an appointment at 12:30 at night. I told...

10.0/10 Rating average Published 2 years ago | Facebook

My husband and I benefited from Eric Bailey's BEST treatments for over six months during a stressful transition time in our lives. These helped keep us calm and healthy in body and spirit. We started taking Eric's workshops and our marriage blossomed as we learned to reconnect with our dreams and purpose. We feel grateful for Eric, his example and training. Thank you Eric for making such a difference for us at this time in our lives!

10.0/10 Rating average Published 2 years ago | Facebook

I cannot say enough good things about Eric and his team at Feel Well, Live Well. Through the information taught in his seminars, books, and audios, I have turned my business and relationships around. My income has more than tripled since I began implementing what he teaches in his book Being Broke Sucks, So Stop It! His team is always there to help you and truly wants you to succee...