
Prospect Grill & Deli in Asbury Park

1400 Prospect Ave, 07712, 07756 - Get directions
3 Reviews10.0

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+1 732-455-5959

1400 Prospect Ave, 07712, 07756
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10.0 Based on 3 reviews
2.0/10 Rating average Published 2 years ago | Facebook

2 hours after placing an order and they haven't shown up with my food. They also don't like to answer there phone. Same issues with previous orders got grub hub to block them for a week. Someone doesn't know how to run a business. Wake up prospect

10.0/10 Rating average Published 2 years ago | Facebook

Delivered to Belmar, which makes me happy bc im sick of eating at the spot.. lol.. everything was great!

2.0/10 Rating average Published 2 years ago | Facebook

I called asked a question on how much something was, was told to hold on ... 10 minutes went by someone picks the phone back up & hangs up . I called back said "yea I was put on hold for 10 minutes & then someone hung up" the response I got was "are you ordering something or nah" very professional .